August 14, 2008

What if Barack Obama Loses?

As much as I do not want an Obama win, I am apprehensive about an Obama loss.

Barack Obama is perhaps the perfect candidate for the new, leftist Democratic leadership. So perfect, that it was willing to throw its former golden children (the Clintons) under the campaign bus in order to insure his ascendancy. He is articulate, he has face appeal, he is Green, he is liberal, he is culturally diverse, and he even has the blessing of Oprah Winfrey. What he doesn't have is much experience, but even that has been forged into a virtue. He is the poster boy for the Far Left, and exactly what they believe the country now wants and needs. How can he possibly lose, especially in an election year where the opposing party has (supposedly) fallen so far out of favor? Anything with a pulse that is not George Bush should be a shoe-in.

An Obama loss would suggest that no matter how much the public might complain about the present Republican leadership, it still finds that party's platform superior to a Far Left alternative. The frightening thing to me is the question of what the Far Left will do if it is thwarted in moving its agenda by way of popular vote (i.e., in playing by the rules). It has already revealed the lengths to which it is willing to go by its use of judicial activism. For example, the maddening fact that the majority of the population will not support same-sex marriage has inspired some of our liberal judges to find rights heretofore invisible in our Constitution.

As Obama's political persuasions become increasingly transparent to the American public, his electability may be (and has been, it seems) called into question. The generalities and obfuscations that characterize the Obama campaign make it clear that the Left knows it is in their best interest to hide their deepest agendas; as the average, commonsense man will not suffer a full-spread banquet of liberal cuisine, but must have it artfully served to him course by course. If the best hope of the Left, at the best time for it, cannot garner our support, then I fear the new and alternative means that will be employed to advance its causes. The shrill and rabid hatred for George Bush and any who would dare to support him, the conspiracy cavalcades and judiciary gymnastics, may only be a foretaste of what's to come.

Now I'm sure that some would say that an Obama loss will simple be evidence of the racism still prevalent in our society. It may lead to a new, though self-imposed, racial tension, and it may close the sale of the Democratic Party to black America (though I know they are not a monolithic group). But in reality, I think for every genuinely bigoted person who may withhold a vote for Obama because of his race, there will be at least two who will vote for him merely and precisely because of it.

I believe that America is more than ready for a black president. Indeed, many hunger for it as a form of historical penance. But I fear that it may not be graciously received if we decide that we are just not ready for this black American to be president. As we push past his race, charm, scripted eloquence, and inspirational slogans, we see an inexperience politician, with questionable friends and associates, who represents the farthest Left candidate yet presented for our consideration.

I hope the Left will not think us wicked if we reject its candidate over principled differences. And I hope our fellow black Americans will understand if we (though "we" does happen to include a good number of them) choose not to spend our votes on token racial appeasement.


Note: I am not even comfortable using us versus them language where it concerns racial differences, but I think that the Left has done more to widen the racial divide than it understands, and it forces us to traffic in racial and cultural distinctions. Indeed, it celebrates them! I almost hope that Obama wins so that we might finally say, "There! Now nothing has not been achieved by (or is "withheld" from) a black man. Can we please now move on and directly focus on our political and moral issues together?"



At 8/20/2008 10:16 AM, Blogger Chris said...

ugh... He's gotta lose...

Have you read the book "White Guilt" by Shelby Steele? It's a good book. Your post made me think of it.

As much as I want Obama to lose, I don't really care to see McCain win. He's basically a Democrat running as a Republican...

At 8/20/2008 3:52 PM, Blogger SLW said...

The Saddleback Forum had Obama looking like a child compared to the man McCain. It was a slam dunk and I think it spells the beginning of the end for BO. Maybe Rick Warren should be called Right Guard?

At 8/20/2008 4:36 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Funny, SLW.

That was indeed an event worth watching and McCain was impressive in his direct responses, personal stories, easygoing and real character; and his positions are miles closer to conservative's than Obama's. McCain has flaws and sometimes seems naive in his politics, but I get the sense that where he takes questionable stands, he does so on genuine principle and not mere personal and political expediency. I will take his mistakes over Obama's best-reasoned positions.

I have heard Shelby Steele interviewed on that book. Sounds very interesting. I think that Obama has spent many years exploring his identity, and I get the impression that his political views are under construction even as we watch his story unfold. Being open to learn and grow are commendable, but we should hope that a candidate has done a sufficient amount of this before launching a bid for the presidency.


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